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 * A class that wraps around HTMLMediaElement
 * It sends to the {@link Host} all relevant media events (ie: play, pause, etc)
 * This class should be extended in order to give **provider** specific support.
 * By default all getter and setters interact with the media element, this can be overwritten
 * by extending this class so it gets and sets by interacting with the relevant places for each **provider**.
class Player {
     * Create a new instance of player
     * @param {Page} page
     * @param {Host} host
     * @param {HTMLMediaElement} element
    constructor (page, host, element) {
         * The {@link Page} that holds the player
         * @type {Page}
        this.page = page;
         * The {@link Host} to communicate with
         * @type {Host}
        this.host = host;
         * The media element
         * @type {HTMLMediaElement}
        this.element = element;
         * A URL with the media baseURI
         * It's updated in {@link refresh} whenever metadata changes
         * @type {Object}
        this.URL = new URL(element.baseURI || '');

     * Add listeners on this.element so we propagate all necessary
     * events to the this.host
    initDefaultMediaListeners () {
        this.element.addEventListener('play', () => this.refresh());
        this.element.addEventListener('durationchange', () => this.refresh());
        this.element.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', () => this.refresh());
        this.element.addEventListener('loadstart', () => this.refresh());

     * Update this.URL so getter read the correct data.
     * Also trigger a {@link this.host.start} event on the {@link Host}.
    refresh () {
        this.URL = new URL(this.element.baseURI || '');
        if (this.isValid()) {
            this.element.addEventListener('pause', () => this.host.change());
            this.element.addEventListener('playing', () => this.host.change());
            this.element.addEventListener('ratechange', () => this.host.change());
            this.element.addEventListener('seeked', () => this.host.seeked(this));
            this.element.addEventListener('volumechange', () => this.host.change());

     * Get the id of the player
     * @returns {null|string} the elements source
    getId () {
        return this.element.baseURI;

     * Returns true if the media is not paused
     * @returns {boolean}
    isPlaying () {
        return !this.element.paused;

     * Returns true if the media is paused.
     * @return {boolean}
    isPaused () {
        return this.element.paused && this.element.currentTime > 0;

     * Return true if the media is paused and current time is 0.
     * @return {boolean}
    isStopped () {
        return this.element.paused && this.element.currentTime === 0;

     * Length is expected in microseconds by host
     * @returns {number}
    getLength () {
        return Math.trunc(this.element.duration * 1e6);

     * Set the volume of the media
     * @param {number} volume
    setVolume (volume) {
        this.element.volume = volume;

     * If media is muted return 0
     * @returns {number}
    getVolume () {
        return this.element.muted ? 0.0 : this.element.volume;

     * Is the media muted?
     * @return {boolean}
    isMuted () {
        return this.element.muted;

     * Set the playback rate
     * @param {number} rate
    setRate (rate) {
        this.element.playbackRate = rate;

     * Get the playback rate
     * @returns {number}
    getRate () {
        return this.element.playbackRate;

     * Get the title of the player. The page's title by default.
     * @returns {null|string}
    getTitle () {
        return this.page.getTitle();

     * Get the artists of the player
     * @returns {Array<string>}
    getArtists () {
        return [this.URL.host];

     * Get the cover of the player.
     * Using logo.clearbit.com API seems to work quite nicely.
     * The other alternative is to get the logo from the page's favicon ({@link this.page.getIcon()})
     * @returns {string}
    getCover () {
        return `http://logo.clearbit.com/${this.URL.host}`;

     * Get the current time of the media
     * @returns {number} media current time
    getPosition () {
        return Math.trunc(this.element.currentTime * 1e6);

     * Is the media looping?
     * @returns {boolean}
    isLooping () {
        return this.element.loop;

     * Should media loop when it reaches the end.
     * @param {boolean} loop
    setLoop (loop) {
        this.element.loop = loop;

     * Play media element
    play () {
        return this.element.play();

     * Pause media element
    pause () {

     * If media is playing then pause
     * else play it
    playPause () {
        if (this.isPlaying())

     * Pause media and set position to 0
    stop () {

     * seek by an offset to position
     * @param {number} offset - offset to currentTime in microseconds
    seek (offset) {
        this.element.currentTime += offset / 1e6;

     * Set the position of playback
     * @param {number} position - new currentTime in microseconds
    setPosition (position) {
        this.element.currentTime = position / 1e6;

     * Toogle the fullscreen state of the media.
     * @todo test this works
    toggleFullScreen () {
        if (this.element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
        } else if (this.element.webkitRequestFullScreen) {

     * Get the site domain (host)
     * @returns {string}
    getSiteDomain () {
        return this.URL.host;

     * Get the elements url
     * @returns {null|string}
    getUrl () {
        return this.element.baseURI;

     * Check if element is visible to the user
     * @returns {boolean}
    isHidden () {
        return this.element.offsetParent === null;

     * @return {boolean}
    isValid () {
        return !isNaN(this.element.duration) && this.element.duration > 5;